We’re going to be gracious this week…There are some fun and challenging tasks for you to do.  If you choose not to…then don’t and see how the other person learns to act graciously even then 😊  We need to think of grace as “sublime narcissism”. I love that phrase because most people don’t know what it means.  Sublime: Beautiful, inspiring or awesome!  Narcissism: Self-absorption, egotistical.  OK, how is self-centeredness beautiful?  It is beautiful when both of you engage whole heartily in being gracious to the other.  If your lover deeply loves you—as action, then you become the continual beneficiary.  If both of you are investing, feeding, and supporting the other than each becomes rich, fat and uplifted.  But the opposite is a more common experience—the withholding of goodness, gifting and grace.  Then we know marriage to be explicit narcissism.  Both of you take for yourselves and the well eventually runs dry.  Water doesn’t flow into the well, it is only withdrawn…And everybody is thirsty.  

Building a Graceful  home (literally a home FULL of Grace) in daily activities

1.  Read and Journal about Grace by Jim Sells PhD

2. A devotional on YHWH's gracious nature by Pastor Skye Jethani

3. A devotional on God’s grace by Jim Sells PhD 

4.  A devotional on the word Charis-  Grace. by Jim Sells PhD

5.  A short reading on “Grace Supplied”

Podcasts about Grace

Tim Keller on Enduring Grace  Tim Keller sermon on Enduring Grace.  How Christian character is built

Andrew Root on the Grace of Dogs  Andrew Root of Luther Seminary discusses the grace of dogs at 6:32 starts the discussion of dogs

Andy Stanley on Grace . A 5 minute discussion of a quote from Andy Stanley

Some Good Readings about Grace in Marriage

Artwork to enjoy focused on Grace

"With the grace of God and the effort of will, we obtain the excellence of virtue." (Vatican Artwork)

Grace of God by Schweta Kanhai

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