Forgiveness is a concept that is easy to understand, but can be very hard to do.  Just like any difficult task the pathway to engaging in forgiveness is to incorporate forgiveness into our lives in small everyday ways.  Do you believe forgiveness is important in your life as a Christian? as a spouse?  Do you aspire to be a forgiving person?  We have some small activities to help you focus on forgiveness and bring you closer to the person you aspire to be.


Readings about Forgiveness

Scriptures on Forgiveness

Consider praying some scriptures this week.  This is when you read a scripture, then read the scripture again as a prayer to God, and pray that God will show you how that Scripture applies to your life right now.   

Some forgiveness scriptures:  Proverbs 28:13; Colossians 3:13;  Ephesians 4:31-32;  Numbers 14:19-21 

Forgiveness of sins upon confession by Isaac Watts

O Blessed souls are they
Whose sins are covered o'er!
Divinely blest, to whom the Lord
Imputes their guilt no more.

They mourn their follies past,
And keep their hearts with care;
Their lips and lives, without deceit,
Shall prove their faith sincere.

While I concealed my guilt,
I felt the fest'ring wound;
Till I confessed my sins to thee,
And ready pardon found.

Let sinners learn to pray,
Let saints keep near the throne;
Our help, in times of deep distress,
Is found in God alone.


Videos on Forgiveness

1.  Matthew West song "Forgiveness"

2.  A dog asks for forgiveness (it's just too cute to pass up!)

3.  Forgiveness Scene from The Shack.  While this movie/book is pretty controversial, its focus on forgiveness can help people get in touch with the emotions people often feel around forgiving. 

4.  An inspiring video of a man forgiving the person who murdered his son.

5.  Another dog asks for forgiveness (the cuteness just is too much!)

Forgiveness Exercises

The Fetzer Institute has collected a group of short exercises that only take a few minutes that focus a person towards forgiveness.   

This is a 5 minute exercise to visualize forgiveness. This exercise is adapted from Robin Casarjian's Forgiveness: A Bold Choice for a Peaceful Heart. 

A 5 minute exercise to consider revenge and forgiveness in American culture. 

This 5 minute exercise helps examine pessimism and how to move away from pessimism. 

This is an interactive, kind-of meditative exercise that guides you toward letting go.

Conversation Cards

Over this whole small group curriculum you have been learning various ways to bring positive ideas into your life and your family.  These cards are a practical way you might consider keeping the ideas near your mind.  Put them on your fridge, mirror, car, desk, anywhere to remind you of what is truly important in your life and family. 

Podcasts about Forgiveness

1.  A 29 minute podcast from Biola University on forgiveness applied to marriage & family relationships

2.  A Focus on the Family inspiring story of author Gil Mertz forgiving his father after years of abuse. (27:31)

Artwork about Forgiveness

Forgiveness, Peter O'Neill

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